Hearing loss Questionnaire

A Hearing loss is a hidden condition that affects a vast number of the population globally. There are different types of hearing loss, which needs to be diagnosed correctly by an Audiologist for a proper management.

In 2016, the statistics showed an estimation of 18.9% of New Zealanders are suffering from hearing loss.

A Hearing loss can be hard to pick up as it happens gradually, and the deterioration can occur for a variety of reasons such as age, noise exposure or traumatic incidence. Without proper intervention, this can lead to social isolation, depression, and recent research showed the increased chance of having dementia and cognitive decline.

Here are the common symptoms people complain when there is a hearing loss. If at least one of them relates to you but unsure, you can also book a free hearing test before the full diagnostic hearing test.

When is it time to see us about your hearing?

  • Your family and friends are making comments about your hearing

  • You are straining more to hear in situations that never used to be a problem, such as crowded restaurants and public places

  • You find it difficult to carry on a conversation on a landline or mobile phone without the speakerphone mode

  • It is hard to hear your work colleagues at meetings and conferences

  • You often need to turn up the TV or radio volume, while others in the room complain that it’s too loud.

  • You have trouble hearing sounds on your computer or portable electronic devices

  • You feel like you are not fully enjoying your favourite music and movies.

  • Your line of work exposes you to loud noises over long periods of time.

  • You hear ringing or buzzing in your ear(s).

Are you ready to start the journey to better hearing?

Do you want to find out more about a hearing test?